Friday, September 21, 2007

It's finally happened...

It's finally happened. After reading so many great blogs by other knitters out there, and just never being able to talk about my knitting enough, I'm starting my own wee blog. I used to have a personal blog that I wrote in very frequently, but I grew up and my desire to air all of my personal problems on the internet waned.
But now I want to talk about knitting.
I have two projects on the needles now, the Syrian Shoulder Shawl from Victorian Lace Today and a tea-cozy that I'm making up as I go along.
I'm actually very excited about my little tea-cozy. I've only ever knitted from patterns before, so I'm all jazzed that I'm actually making something up right out of my own head. I've been wanting to knit a tea-cozy because I drink tea like it is my job as long as the ambient temperature is below 75, and I like my tea burning hot. I've seen patterns for other tea-cozies, but none of them really caught my fancy. Then once day in class I had a neat idea, so I've been fooling around with it since.
There will be more to come, but for now, it's Friday, so I'm off to do some leisure knitting.

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