Monday, November 2, 2009

A place for everything...

...and nothing in it's place. This is my crafting area in our apartment. Or at least it will be. I have a lovely nook for knitting...

...a desk for painting and sewing...

...and bookshelves to hold my crafting books, along with a few other things.

The only problem is that it is all still a mess. I've been knitting more than I've been organizing. It is just a little sad, I did move in back in June. But look at the knitting!

Cashmere is so lovely to knit with. (Lily of the Valley Scarf, by Nancy Bush, in Jojoland 2 ply cashmere) Such cozy stuff to be working with as it's getting colder. What could be nicer than knitting and cuddling a cat?

Can you blame me for not wanting to organize?

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